January 12th, 2025

There have been many moments where prayer has brought me peace. One time, years ago, my husband had kidney and prostate cancer. I touched his body while he slept and prayed over him. Those months were hard, but we continued in prayer. A more recent time was when several major financial problems hit our family in the same week. I prayed and had so much peace afterward that it was as if I had joy, and boy, did Satan try to take it away. Both prayers were answered. Ken had to have two surgeries, one on each kidney, and radiation for the prostate. He remains cancer-free! Hallelujah! The financial problems were not answered in the way I wanted, but our HVAC unit on our home and our patio door were replaced on the very same day they were broken (in the summer)! Praise the Lord! Prayer and faith in what we pray for really work!
- Regina Bosket
- Regina Bosket

Regina's Prayer Testimony
January 12th, 2025
There have been many moment where prayer has brought me peace......
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